Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Parts of an Airplane

First and foremost a good pilot is always familiar with the aircraft that he or she is flying.
he or she must be able to identify the parts of the aircraft as well as its uses.

In this lesson i have here an image of a Single Engine, High Wing Aircraft
It Consists of the following parts:
  • Aileron: moving parts attached to the rear edge of an aircraft's wing that helps the aircraft bank/turn
  • Elevator: moving parts on the horizontal stabilizer of an aircraft that move up or down to make the aircraft climb or descend
  • Elevator Trim Tab: a small tab that helps to reduce pilot fatigue.  It is a small flap that, when air passes over it in flight, it deflects the elevator to the proper position so the pilot does not have to manually hold it there.
  • Engine: the part of an aircraft that provides power to move the aircraft through the air it is placed inside the cowling which is the violet shaded part of the aircraft 
  • Flaps: found on the wing closer to the fuselage than the ailerons.  They can be lowered to provide more lift at slower speeds so an airplane can take off and land.
  • Flashing Beacon: flashing light on an aircraft that helps pilots avoid mid-air collisions
  • Fuel Tank: the tank that holds fuel for the engine
  • Fuselage: main structural part that connects all other parts together
  • Horizontal Stabilizer: airfoils located on the tail of an aircraft that help maintain a straight, horizontal path through the air
  • Landing Gear: the wheels on an airplane so it can land and taxi
  • Navigation Light: lights that show an aircraft's location for other pilots.  The lights are coded to show an aircraft's left (red light) and right (green light) sides.
  • Propeller: two or more twisted blades that pull an airplane forward as they turn.  Blades have the same shape as wings.
  • Radio Antenna: allows pilots to keep in radio contact with ground control
  • Rudder: moving parts on the vertical stabilizer that turn (yaw) the aircraft left or right
  • Vertical Stabilizer: airfoils located on the tail of an aircraft that help maintain a straight, vertical path through the air
    The advantage of the High Wing Aircraft is that the pilot would be able to see under the aircraft, which is great for sight seeing and rescue missons also the pilot is comfortable because the wing itself provides cover from the heat of the sun also the aircraft will be able to glide when engine quits.
    The Disadvantage of the High Wing Aircraft is the pilot would not be able to see what is above him.

    This is a Low wing Aircraft, the advantage of this aircraft is that the aircraft will be able to land smoothly because the wing itself has a huge effect on ground, which pilots call it as ground effect, the pilot will be able to see what's on top of the aircraft.

    On the next lesson i will i discuss the aerodynamic component in an aircraft

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