Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Aerodynamic Component of an Aircraft: Three Axes of flight

According to Jeppessen: Private Pilot Manual
There are three axes of flight:
which are the Longitudinal Axis, Lateral And Vertical Axis.

Today my fellow students, professional, recreational pilots, simulator pilots and airline pilots.
I will discuss the three axes of an aircraft during flight.

Lets Start with Longitudinal Axis
Longitudinal Axis in an Airplane occurs during an aircraft banks or in other term it turns which is 
produced by the aileron , when you deflect an aileron using the yoke or flight stick, they create an
immediate movement about the longitudinal axis

Second would be the Lateral Axis
Lateral Axis occurs during pitch when pulling the yoke to climb or pushing the yoke to descend

Lastly Vertical Axis
From the word itself, Vertical Axis is the yaw movement of  the aircraft when the pilot stepped on to the rudder pedals, step on the left pedal the aircraft yaws to the left and step on the right pedal it yaws to the right.

Next component that i will discuss is the forces acting in climbing and descending airplane

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