Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Basic Flight Training: What is an airplane

An airplane is an aircraft capable of flight using forward motion that generates lift as the wing moves through the air. Fixed-wing aircraft include planes, which are propelled forward by thrust from a jet engine or propeller, as well as unpowered aircraft (such as gliders), which use thermals, or warm-air pockets to inherit lift. Fixed-wing aircraft are distinct from ornithopters in which lift is generated by flapping wings and rotary-wing aircraft in which wings rotate about a fixed mast.

In this idea there are four forces which are related in flight.

First: Thrust or the forward motion that helps the airplane propel in the air
Second: Lift which is the upward motion or helps the airplane climb or fly
Third: Drag which makes the aircraft slow, the aircraft itself is a drag component
Fourth: Weight which is a downward force

Technically for a beginner pilot you should know these stuff and you will be able
to learn this from ground school, i am not a certified flight instructor, however
i can help future airline captains and aspiring pilots with my knowledge and skills
that i acquired through previous ground school and in flight lessons both private and
commercial pilots lessons. Next lesson would be the Parts of the Aircraft under Flight
Flight Training Category

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